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Bannergrafik (CNMS)

Letter from Güyük Khan to Innocent IV

Date 20 Jumada II 644 - 29 Jumada II 644 / 2.11.1246 - 11.11.1246
Content The Mongol Khan Güyük hands over this letter to Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, the Vatican envoy. The Khan demands that the Pope and European rulers should come to his court and swear allegiance to him. He emphasises his own superior position.
Type namah
Category Letters and Correspondence
Script ta'liq
Archive Archivo Segreto Vaticano (Italia)
Publication Azari, 'Ala al-Din. "Ravabit-i Mughul-ha ba darbar-i Vatikan." Barrasi-ha-yi tarikhi 4, 4 (1348/1969):275-88.
Keywords envoy | Mongols | diplomatic relations
Individuals Giovanni da Pian del Carpine | Güyük Khan | Genghis Khan | Innocent IV
Places Hungary | Vatican
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