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Bannergrafik (CNMS)

Letter by Shah Safi I to the Doge of Venice

Date 1045 / 17.6.1635 - 4.6.1636
Content Letter by Shah Safi I to the Doge of Venice. He praises the good relations between them. One of the purchasers from the Safavid court had been sent to Istanbul to sell silk and buy goods several years ago. The same had transferred the silk to Venice but the proceeds were confiscated. Now he is sending a new envoy to Venice to receive the money.
Type namah
Category Letters and Correspondence
Archive Archivio di Stato (Venezia)
Publication Fekete, Lajos, and György Hazai, eds. Einführung in die persische Paläographie: 101 Dokumente. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1977. 499-503; Tafeln 213-214
Keywords envoy | Safavids | diplomatic relations | trade
Individuals Safi I, Shah
Places Istanbul | Venice | Iran
Notes Document undated.
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