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Letter from Qazi Jahan to the Doge of Venice

Date 5 Rabi' I 946 / 21.7.1539 - 21.7.1539
Content Letter from Qazi Jahan, grand vizier at the Safavid court during the reign of Shah Tahmasp I, to the Doge of Venice, Andrea Gritti concerning an envoy, strengthening relations and fighting the Ottomans. [document undated]
Type namah
Category Letters and Correspondence
Archive Archivio di Stato (Venezia)
Publication Fekete, Lajos, and György Hazai, eds. Einführung in die persische Paläographie: 101 Dokumente. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1977. 389-94; Tafeln 151-54
Keywords vazir/vuzara | envoy | Ottoman Empire | Safavids | conquest | diplomatic relations
Individuals Tahmasp I, Shah
Places Venice | Tabriz
Notes Estimated date by Fekete.
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